Our Approach

Experienced Counsel. Upon retaining Merrick Law Firm LLC, you can rest assured that your case will be personally and efficiently handled by a first-rate, experienced attorney from start to finish. Your case will not be used as a training tool for junior attorneys. We know how employers operate and react to employees’ claims and develop our case strategies accordingly.

Team Effort. Each of our clients works with us on his or her case because it is only through this collaborative effort that we can achieve the best possible outcome. After all, the client is one of the primary witnesses and usually knows more about the employer, relevant documents, and key players involved than anyone else.

Technology. Merrick Law Firm LLC uses cutting-edge technology to efficiently deliver the highest-quality legal representation to our clients. Technology has proven to be the great equalizer between smaller law firms and the mega “silk stocking” firms employers rely upon. In the past only the big defense firms could afford the enormous overhead of large law libraries, however, now all federal, state and local laws and other legal materials are only a keystroke away. Similarly, the large defense firm tactic of using teams of lawyers to bury smaller firms in paper has been checked by the advent of the paperless law office and electronic document management systems. We fully take advantage of these advances for our clients.

The Right Level of Involvement. We choose our level of involvement and the tone of our approach in each case depending on the client’s goals and preferences, the dynamics of the situation, and the personalities involved. Sometimes we represent clients “behind the scenes” by counseling them and helping write e-mails and correspondence they can send to their employers. We also deal directly with our clients’ present and former employers through negotiations and formal legal action in administrative agencies and the courts. In some cases we take a very aggressive stance, while in others a more subtle approach is necessary. In all cases we conduct ourselves at the very highest ethical and professional standards.

Honest & Regular Communication. We at Merrick Law Firm LLC communicate openly and honestly with our clients on a strictly confidential basis. We represent them with compassion and empathy because we understand that many of them are going through extremely difficult situations. We return calls and e-mails promptly. We keep our clients informed about the status of their cases every step of the way. In fact, our clients receive copies of all documents we receive and usually review our work product before it is sent to opposing parties or filed in court.

Financial Arrangements. Merrick Law Firm LLC offers a variety of financial arrangements depending on the type of case and our client’s needs and preferences. These arrangements include straight hourly, straight contingency, and a reduced blend of the two.

The Bottom Line. We will represent you zealously and ethically to protect your workplace rights to the fullest extent of the law.

Leveling the Playing Field for Employees

Fill out the contact form or call us at (312) 269-0200 or (402) 951-9330 to schedule your consultation.

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