Do I Need a Lawyer?

How do you know whether you should consult with an employment lawyer in the first place? You are probably looking at this website because you have a feeling something is not right with the way your employer has treated you. Go with your gut. The vast majority of employment law cases do not involve “smoking gun” evidence. Most employers will not tell you that you have been terminated because the company would prefer to employ a man, or a woman, or someone younger than you, for example.

These cases largely turn on circumstantial evidence. Is the reason your employer gave you false or in any way suspect? Are they suddenly trying to make it a “performance issue” when you have had a good employment record in the past? Are they calling it a “position elimination,” “restructuring,” or “reduction in force,” but you know they are hiring other people or giving your responsibilities to other more favored employees? Is the company relying on a fishy budgetary justification? Have you heard inconsistent explanations from different managers? Were you terminated just before you were to receive a commission or bonus payment? These are just a few of the red flags which may well signal that your employer is violating your legal rights.

Your own instincts about what’s right and wrong and fair and unfair are your best guide; don’t ignore them. We can help you with the next step of determining whether your employer’s wrongful or unfair actions have violated your rights under federal, state or local law.

Feel free to contact us today at (312) 269-0200 or online.

Leveling the Playing Field for Employees

Fill out the contact form or call us at (312) 269-0200 or (402) 951-9330 to schedule your consultation.

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